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Words: Lucy O’Connell | Images: Supplied

In the world of South African comedy, Alfred Adriaan has been one of the brightest new stars to hit the stage in recent years, and June sees the arrival of his first one-man show: Dating Life.

“I’m a procrastinator of note but writing Dating Life came easily. That’s why comedy works for me because I actually enjoy doing it, which I can’t exactly say for life when I was in my day job.” The day job Alfie is referring to is one in marketing as a brand manager for the likes of some huge global brands, and which Alfred only left to pursue comedy full-time two years ago.

“It’s my debut one-man show and I’m really excited because I feel like it’s a show I’ve been writing for thirty years. I’ve had all the time to collate all the stories that I find hilarious, and it’s almost an introduction of myself to the world.”

In the two whirlwind years since comedy became his full-time job, Alfred’s introduction really has been global, having just returned from Australia where he was invited to perform at the Sydney and Perth comedy festivals.

“Dating Life takes you all the way from where I started as a boy from Hankey in the Eastern Cape who moved to Joburg. When I travel, I still feel like I’m a farm boy looking at this big fancy world and not quite believing what I see – that perspective still comes through in all my work.”

With so many autobiographical elements to it, Dating Life really does feel like a look into Alfred’s world. “From being a young boy to being a single man, and now being a husband and father… it’s all in there.”

Whether you’re looking for a great date night out, a fun laugh with friends, or just an opportunity to have a huge laugh, Alfred says the show is really for everyone. “It’s a great show in that it’s universal, it can be enjoyed regardless of age or race or sex. Ultimately, we have so much in common, and that’s why everyone can relate to and enjoy Dating Life.”

Dating Life will run from Wednesday, 27 June to Sunday, 8 July at The Studio Theatre at Montecasino.

Dating Life

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