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Based on the Keyes Art Mile in Rosebank, Vicky Crease Catering works locally and internationally. Vicky (who has degrees in psychology and marketing) has catered for Prince Harry and Nelson Mandela, and worked with celebrity chefs like Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver. She says her academic background helps her to understand what people really want and how best to express it in the food she creates.

How did your business start?Vicky Crease6-compressed

I’ve always had a great love for entertaining and people, and I learnt to cook from my mother who is still the most spectacular cook I know. About 18 years ago, I started making cakes for friends over the weekend, and then friends of friends started placing orders. Eventually, my husband pointed out that with the amount of time and money I was spending, I could make a business out of it, and that’s how I begun.

Why did you choose this area to set up shop?

We originally had a factory in Brixton, but wanted to be in a location that was more central and accessible to our clients. We found this spot in Rosebank, which was nice and close to where we live.

How did you find your premises?

My husband is the CFO of the business, and he found it for us. Over the years we’ve expanded and taken the shop next door, and then the shop next door to that.

Why are they ideally suited to your business?Vicky Crease1-compressed

We have the beautiful trees and open spaces. It’s not like an office, but more like an atelier. And obviously it’s appealing for our clients to come to because it’s so central.

Two years ago, when we heard about the Keyes Art Mile development, we decided to recommit to the area, and so we did a beautiful renovation and now it really just feels like coming home every day.

Who are your neighbours?

There’s the Trumpet Building, and we’re surrounded by lots of clubs, bars and restaurants. We have a great relationship with our neighbours, especially a nearby North African hairstylist, who we often share food with.

What are the shop rental/sales prices like in this area?

We pay retail prices, which is a lot more than if we had a factory in an industrial area, but this is what we want for our clients.

Do you have any expansion plans?

Plenty. You have to have expansion plans!

Do you operate online as well?

We have a website and you’d be surprised at how much business we get through social media.

What’s your most popular item?

Our floating dinner menu is hugely popular. It’s not a formal meal, but it’s not canapés either, because canapés are terribly out of fashion – people in Africa like to eat. It also makes me happy to serve proper food because I am Greek, and it would be embarrassing to let someone leave an event hungry.


Vicky Crease Catering & Events

011 880 5776

Words: Georgina Guedes | Images: Ter Hollman

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